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Digital art or traditional art? Which one would be better for beginners?

Hello! Cutie, I am Comic black rainbow.

Many cuties who are beginners to learn drawing may ask "Should I learn from hand-drawn first?

Or do I learn directly from digital painting?

Many beginners are full of desire and fantasy in digital painting because they see the effect drawn by some painters' digital painting, or other effects from brushstrokes such as watercolor, charcoal, color pen, etc.

They thought they could draw a masterpiece if they bought a digitizer.

PS. At the end of this article, there are 10 free Photoshop brushes for you, so that you can add different effects and fun when painting!

In fact, after I purchased a digitizer for the first time, I froze it for one year after my first try because I didn't know how to draw digital painting until I learned painting software by myself.

After I painted with digitizer for two or three years, I bought a drawing Monitor and because the screen is too smooth instead of matte, I was not used to the feeling when I was drawing, I froze it again for one year until I asked myself: Why do I spend so much money on this?

I don't want to waste money!!!

So I told myself that forcing myself would be a habit, then I have used it until now.

So I want to share the pros and cons of hand-drawn and digital painting with you for your reference.

You can decide which one you want to learn first according to your needs.

Further reading you might find interesting:

In terms of learning the knowledge of painting, there is no difference between them. You will not know how to draw great works because of the expensive tools. Different skills that you need to learn with different tools. The differences between the tools it's just how the effects are expressed by the materials. The key to how to express the picture in your mind instead of the way you draw with hand-drawn or digital painting. You have to learn and explore when you are drawing. Even if you have read and absorbed all the knowledge and courses about drawing, you still need to keep learning and practicing, if you want to master the tools that you choose and the final presentation that you want to express.

Further reading you might find interesting:

After listing the pros and cons of the hand-drawn and digital paintings above

Do you know how to start?

Although the common point of both is to learn the knowledge and techniques of drawing if you want to draw a good work

But for beginners

I suggest that it would be better if you have the ability to draw lines well first

So that you can try to draw digital painting

Because after you can control the ability to draw lines

You would not be discomfort or frustrated with trying digital painting if the result is not good.

Keep going!!! You can do it!!

I am happy that you read this article, I hope it will help you!

If you have any questions or opinions, please feel free to tell me in the comment below or use social media or mail to share with me! Whether it's hand-drawn or digital painting.

I'm looking forward to seeing the work from you!

Finally, here are the 10 free Photoshop brushes for you!!!😘😘😘


1. Enter $0 to get this for free. If you’d like to support this brushes collection, please consider leaving a tip.

2. Click "Buy Now" to enter the payment page.

3. After typing your mail address, you can get it for free, the system will send the brushes to your mail.

4. Check your mail and download the file, import it into Photoshop, and enjoy it!!!


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